Massachusetts Official Hybrid Fleet & Burritos

Today I spotted a first generation Toyota Prius outside of Anna's Taqueria, the best burrito place in town. Of course, this shows that this particular hybrid driver has impeccable taste in burritos, but there's more to the story.

The vehicle had official state plates, and the emblem of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

In 2003, Republican Governor Mitt Romney issued an executive order stating that the state must purchase the most efficient and the best value
vehicles available. In addition, there is a mileage floor of 20 mpg city and must be ULEV compliant. Exceptions and purchases of SUVs must be justified in writing.

I can't be certain, but I suspect that today's burrito lunch Prius sighting was a result of this mandate.

Posted on August 23, 2004 | 1 Comments
MJonas's review, dated September 12 '04:

great note - I am wondering who this ghost writer is!!!

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