Camry Hybrid Announcement Expected

From CNN Money:

Report: Toyota to announce version of No. 1 U.S. car model and its first U.S.-built hybrid.

The New York Times reported the announcement is expected Tuesday. It is to be built at the company's Georgetown, Ky., plant that makes the Camry, making it the company's first U.S.-built hybrid.

So the best selling car in America is about to have a hybrid option. It can't get any better than that.

Posted on May 17, 2005 | 2 Comments
JoAnn Dixson's review, dated May 31 '05:

this is going to take time for pour people to buy. money is tight. some people don't get paid enough. to buy grocies let alone a new car. my husband an i have been waiting on the ele. car. but we will wait until all the bugs are work out before trying. it

kjh's review, dated June 19 '05:

yeesh, nice spelling.

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